Industrial Summer Research Program Guidelines
Jump to:
- Purpose
- Scope
- Definitions and Acronyms
- Objectives
- Eligibility Criteria
- Grant Benefits
- Application Documentation and Submission
- Review and Evaluation
- Rebuttal
- Acknowledgments
- Implementation, Compliance, and Reporting
- Compliance and Performance Indicators
- Document Amendment Information
- Appendixes
The purpose of this guideline is to support the administration of the Industrial Summer Research Program.
- This guideline applies to the Industrial Research Program administered at KFUPM of externally sponsored short internship/experience in the industry .
- This guideline applies to all KFUPM faculty and researchers.
1. Definitions | |
ABHATHI | A research management platform developed at KFUPM. |
Project | A product of an approved research proposal that is scientifically reviewed by a competent body and has an allocated fund administered by the Deanship of Research. It generally seeks to systematically investigate a problem through scientific methodologies conforming to academic best practices to achieve the defined research objectives. |
2. Acronyms | |
DR | Deanship of Research |
KBS | KFUPM Business School |
KFUPM | King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals |
- The Industrial Sabbatical Research Program (the program) aims to:
provide KFUPM faculty and researchers with an opportunity in an industrial organization domestically, regionally, or internationally;
facilitate access to practical experience in industry that will rejuvenate the recipient, broaden the Department’s expertise, and enhance the University’s reputation;
identify needs and problems faced by industry, as well as providing KFUPM faculty and researchers with knowledge and experiences, thus contributing to the development of academic teaching programs as well as the University’s research;
encourage the exchange of ideas between KFUPM faculty and researchers and industrial organizations that will be of benefit to both in the form of developing research-oriented expertise, gaining industry specific experience or creating an engineering design or product.
This is a privilege and is granted only when it can be shown that the applicant is capable of using this period in a manner that will thereafter increase the applicant’s effectiveness to KFUPM. It must be relevant to the recipient’s academic development, and in accordance with the needs of the recipient’s Department/center, KFUPM, and the Kingdom.
Industrial research program differs from regular sabbatical program, which is undertaken with reputable academic and research organizations with the aim of pursuing or extending research in the faculty member’s area of interest.
5.1 Applicant Eligibility
- KFUPM faculty and researchers are eligible to apply for an Industrial Research Program where:
- they have served the University for a period of at least three years; and
- they have authored at least two published papers un the above period; or
- they have been awarded at least one KFUPM funded research project as Principal Investigator which led to at least one published paper.
- Applicants must agree to return to KFUPM for at least one academic year of service after the completing of their program, otherwise, they have to repay expenses paid by the University during their assignment period.
- Applicants may only take one form of sabbatical every two years (i.e., industrial research program or regular sabbatical research).
5.2 Activity Eligibility
- The grant can be used to:
- pursue, extend or diversify ongoing research;
- work in industry in the area of research and development to:
- develop applied research-oriented expertise;
- develop expertise in practical oriented course(s); or
- create an engineering design or product;
- Industrial sabbatical research shall not exceed 2 months.
- During the program, the recipient is expected to:
- interact with experts and/or researchers in the host organisation and other institutions with a view to developing their expertise;
- contribute to the literature in their field by publishing in reputable journals;
- present seminars at the host organization and nearby institutions to promote KFUPM’s standing.
- These activities must be relevant to the recipient’s academic development and in accordance with the needs of their Department/center, the University, and the Kingdom.
5.3 Host Organisation Eligibility
- Applicants will be encouraged to seek placements with host organizations who have the following characteristics:
- name recognition in the field of the applicant (domestically, regionally, or internationally);
- capable of providing a quality applied and/or basic research environment in the related field of the applicant’s area of specialization;
- able to provide a wide range of industry experience, rotation as well as specialist training, if needed.
- These host organizations can be:
- primary industry;
- commercial/manufacturing enterprises;
- governmental organizations;
- local or international;
- The host organization is expected to provide major support for a maximum of 2 months.
- The support by University will cover minimum cost related to:
- Travel expenses (including round trip air tickets as applicable);
- Health insurance if not included (as applicable);
- During the period of industrial research program, the recipient will not be entitled to any compensation through ongoing internally projects funded through Deanship of Research either as a Principal Investigator or as a Co-Investigator.
7.1 Pre-formal Application
- Applicants should approach a potential host organization on an informal basis to ascertain the likelihood of a successful industrial experience with them.
- Applicants should provide the potential host organization with as much detail as possible about the preferred area of industrial experience, and explore the organization’s capacity and readiness to take on the applicant so as to jointly agree on a tentative plan regarding placement, rotation, training and research cooperation.
- Applicants should prepare a detailed plan setting out:
- the industry topic to be explored;
- the importance of the topic to the applicant, KFUPM and the host organization;
- how the program period will be used;
- justification and selection of the particular host organization and its capabilities;
- whether the placement will be carried out in one or more host organizations.
- The detailed plan and a KFUPM confirmation letter request (see Appendix 2) will be forwarded to the potential host organization requesting their input and formal agreement to the placement. The application can proceed once the host organisation provides formal agreement to the plan and proposed placement.
7.2 Letter of Intent
- Applicants are encouraged to submit applications for industrial research program at least three (3) months before the intended program date. Only applicable during summer for faculty members.
- Applicants should submit a letter of intent to communicate their interest in applying for industrial research program to the Department Chair or Center Director.
- The Department Chair will acknowledge receipt of the applicant’s letter of intent, with copies sent to the Dean of Research.
- The Department Chair or Center Director will advise the applicant of any available information that disqualifies them from further consideration in accordance with KFUPM rules and regulations. This advice shall be sent to the applicant within two weeks of receipt of the letter of intent, and copies shall be sent to the Dean of Research.
7.3 Application
- Eligible applicants should submit their application to the Department Chair or Center Director based on the announcement of the University.
- Applications should also include the following:
- a research proposal/plans (see grant list and Abhathi)
- a letter of acceptance from the host organization;
- a Statement of Understanding and Compliance (see Appendix 1);
- a request for additional support with justifications;
7.4 Budget Preparation
Applications should be with organizations that have agreement with University for such program.
7.5 Application Submission
Applications must be submitted electronically through ABHATHI using the appropriate Application Form (see Abhathi).
8.1 Review by Department Chair/Center Director to determine eligibility
- Application received by the Deanship of Research shall be forwarded to the Research Committee.
- Applications will be reviewed by the Department Chair/Center Director taking into consideration:
- the applicant’s academic and research activities in the Department/Center;
- the relevance of the proposed industrial program project to the applicant’s academic development, the Department/Center, the University, and the Kingdom; and
- the staffing situation in the Department/Center during the proposed year of absence of the applicant.
8.2 Evaluation by the Research Committee
The Research Committee shall discuss the applications and either:
- recommend for immediate funding; or
- not recommend for funding.
- Where an application is rejected, the applicant has the right to request reconsideration. The request must include detailed reasons in support of the claim.
- The rebuttal must be submitted within one month of the receipt of the rejection and should be forwarded through the same channels as the application.
- Proper acknowledgment of KFUPM internal support (along with the grant number) and support by the host organization in all publications and other outcomes is mandatory.
- Publications or other outcomes with no acknowledgement of the project number will not be considered as part of that project.
- Multiple acknowledgements in project outcomes should be treated according to the Multiple Project Acknowledgement Guideline.
- Deanship of Research shall implement this guideline.
- The Research Committee shall monitor projects supported by Industrial Research Program.
- Non-compliance with any provision in this guideline shall be reported to Deanship of Research.
- Recipients will provide progress and final reports as required by Deanship of Research, including:
- a recommendation report to enhanced academic and research programs at University;
- a short final report, within one month of the completion date of the project;
- an accomplishment report from the host organization;
- a seminar to the Department on the benefits of the industrial sabbatical leave.
- In exceptional circumstances, the submission date may be extended, but any requests must be made in writing, and approved by Deanship of Research before the original submission period expires. Submission of the final report after the one-month period may result in the non-payment of the final instalment of the compensation and can affect future funding requests submitted by the recipient.
- The Research Committee shall evaluate the final report and make a recommendation to the Scientific Council, on the scale of Distinguished / Excellent / Very Good / Good / Fair / Poor. The outcome will be sent to the Academic Dean and to the Faculty and Personnel Committee. Where the Research Committee’s rating is Fair or below, the recipient may not be considered for the next cycle.
In monitoring and reviewing the implementation of these guidelines, the following compliance and performance indicators shall be used:
- achievement of funded project milestones;
- achievement of funded project deadlines;
- submission of funded project progress and final reports;
- number of mid-course revisions to funded projects.
Version # | Amendment Date | Amendment Description |
1 | Month, date, year |
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