Research with Humanity Microgrant

Research with Humanity Microgrant

Last Update on: 03 November 2024

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  1. Purpose
  2. Scope
  3. Definitions and Acronyms
  4. Objectives
  5. Duration
  6. Annual Allocation
  7. Eligibility Criteria
  8. Benefits
  9. Application Procedure
  10. Review and Evaluation
  11. Expectations
  12. Visit Report
  13. Deadline
  14. Acknowledgements
  15. Implementation, Compliance, and Reporting
  16. Compliance and Performance Indicators
  17. Document Amendment Information

The purpose of these guidelines is to support the administration of the Research with Humanity Microgrant Program.

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  1. These guidelines apply to the support of Microgrant Research Program that aims to empower collaboration with researchers in developing countries to address critical & global challenges faced by their communities through innovative and impactful research projects. 
  2. Co-operation and Development
  3. to address critical & global challenges faced by their communities through innovative and impactful research projects.
  4. These guidelines apply to all KFUPM faculty, researchers, and external collaborators.
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1. Definitions
CollaboratorA collaborator is an individual or entity that works jointly with others towards a common goal or project. Collaboration typically involves sharing ideas, resources, and efforts to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes. Collaborators contribute their expertise, skills, and perspectives to advance a shared objective, often leveraging teamwork and cooperation to enhance productivity and innovation. 


Internally-funded grant
ProgramResearch with Humanity Microgrant Program
ProjectA product of an approved research proposal that is scientifically reviewed by a competent body and has an allocated fund administered by DR. It generally seeks to systematically investigate a problem through scientific methodologies conforming to academic best practices to achieve the defined research objectives.
ProposalA joint application for funding prepared in accordance with program goals and requirements.
Research Program OutcomesResearch outcomes are only those which are direct outcomes of the program that reflect clear acknowledgment. Only those publications, and other achievements that are real outcomes of the program with proper acknowledgement should be reported.
2. Acronyms
IRCInterdisciplinary Research Center 
DRDeanship of Research
KFUPMKing Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
KIKXKFUPM Institute for Knowledge Exchange 
PIPrincipal Investigator 
UN SDGThe United Nation Sustainable Development Goals 
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  1. This program aims to generate innovative and impactful research by supporting collaboration with researchers in (developing counties).
  2. The program fosters open access and collaboration by creating a platform for people to connect, share their work, and learn from each other.
  3. The program supports innovative and impactful research that addresses critical challenges facing humanity
  4. It empowers individuals and communities to conduct research that can make a difference in their lives.
  5. The program promotes exchanging knowledge between researchers from different disciplines and backgrounds.
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KFUPM faculty member or researcher can visit the collaborator to spend time, as well as the external collaborator can visit KFUPM. However, the total duration of the grant cannot exceed 12 months.

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KFUPM is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive research environment. Application from scholars of all backgrounds and nationalities is encouraged. The program and application acceptance are subject to institutional priorities and the availability of funding.

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  • All professorial rank faculty members (Assistant, Associate, and full Professors) and equivalent researchers at KFUPM are eligible to apply
  • The application should be jointly prepared with the collaborator.
  • The host university should not be the same from where he/she has graduated
  • Collaborating university will be approved first by KFUPM before processing the joint application
  • Collaborating university shall be in one of the following countries:
    1. Mexico
    2. Ethiopia
    3. Sri Lanka
    4. Philippines
    5. Chile
    6. Kenya
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The University will provide the following support to the selected applicants:

  • The payment to the external collaborator will be similar to consultant payment as per the University financial policy not exceeding SAR 20,000 per year. The payment will be made through consultancy contact.
  • Money for travel (both ways), computers accessories and students
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  1. Researchers from the collaborating institution are encouraged to find a partner at KFUPM
  2. The Principle Investigator from KFUPM will prepare a joint proposal with the external collaborator and submit the Research Proposal in the format prescribed in the DR website and should include the following:
    • The proposal should address a critical challenge faced by the other country
    • The proposal should indicate pathway for joint publications and advancing the research with collaborator
    • The proposal must be feasible within the timeframe and budget constraints of the microgrant
    • The proposal should be aligned with the UN SDGs
  3. The Research Proposal needs to be submitted online (Click Here).
  4. Letter of endorsement from the collaborating institution, confirming their acceptance of collaboration.
  5. Detailed budget breakdown for the project, justifying the requested microgrant amount (maximum SAR 20K).
  6. A clear timeline for the research project, outlining key milestones, travels and deliverables.
  7. Address any ethical considerations related to the research project, such as informed consent and data privacy.
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  1. After being evaluated by the Center Directors/Department Chair, the proposals will be evaluated by the University Research Committee (URC) based and if needed input from the experts in the field will be sought.
  2. The selection criteria will include:
    • Alignment of research interests in (developing countries) to address critical & global challenges faced by their communities.
    • Strength of the research proposal
    • Applicant's academic and research achievements.
    • Endorsement from the collaborating institution, and
    • Availability of fund and resources at KFUPM
  3. The application could be recorded as part of the University Research Committee minutes as either:
    • Recommended for immediate approval, or
    • Not recommended for approval
  4. The final approving authoring lies with the Vice President for Research and Innovation
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  • Develop innovative teaching methods and learning resources.
  • Joint publications with the collaborator, showing evidence of knowledge exchange between KFUPM and the collaborator to tackle critical challenges faced by communities, evidence of attracting talent etc.

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The program will be administered by DR and is fully responsible on supporting departments/centers to assure outcomes such as:

  • Travel successfully and participate with researcher(s) in collaborating institute in formulating a research problem addressing a common challenge;
  • Public seminar for KFUPM community (to be organized by KIKX)
  • Faculty and researchers can apply for internal grant to continue research with collaborator.

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There is no deadline to submit applications, it can be submitted as and when an collaboration is agreed upon between KFUPM member and external collaborator.

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  1. Proper acknowledgment of KFUPM support in all publications/presentations and other outcomes resulting from the program is mandatory.
  2. Publications or other outcomes with no acknowledgement would not be considered as program outcome(s).
  3. Multiple acknowledgements will be treated as per announced policy (Examples of Typical cases and acknowledgements are available at Multiple Acknowledgements Guidelines).

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  1. DR shall implement these guidelines.
  2. The DR shall monitor the International Visiting Program.
  3. Non-compliance with any provision in these guidelines shall be reported to DR.
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In monitoring and reviewing the implementation of these guidelines, the following compliance and performance indicators shall be used:

  1. Number of applications awarded each year;
  2. Submission of accomplishment reports within one months of the visit end date;
  3. New externally funded projects resulted from the visit;
  4. Number of collaborative journal articles (ISI/Scopus indexed) by recipients and collaborator;
  5. Number of collaborative conference papers (ISI/Scopus indexed) by recipients and collaborator;
  6. Number of technology transfer to KFUPM.
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Version #Amendment DateAmendment Description 
1Month, date, year 
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