Our Goal

We aspire to contribute to the impactful progress of nuclear science and technology through interdisciplinary research, innovation, and collaboration.


To become a national leader and globally renowned interdisciplinary research center, fostering cutting-edge research and innovation in nuclear energy for industrial applications.


To foster world-class scientific research and innovation in nuclear science and technology, facilitating the growth of the Saudi nuclear program in key industrial sectors while championing excellence through outreach, education, and training endeavors.


Focus Area

Advanced Reactor Designs

Thermal Hydraulics | Reactor Physics | Materials

Nuclear Fuel Cycle & Waste Management

Advanced Fuel Cycle Technologies | Radioactive Waste Treatment and Disposal | Spent Fuel Management | Fuel Reprocessing and Recycling

Radiation Safety & Environment

Radiation Monitoring and Protection | Environmental Impact Assessment | Radiological Emergency Preparedness

Nuclear Systems & Safety

Safety Analysis and Risk Assessment | Control and Instrumentation Systems | Accident Tolerance and Mitigation Strategies | Human Factors Engineering


Becker Technologies, Germany


Jozef Stefan Institute (JSI), Slovenia


Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Switzerland


National Centre For Nuclear Research (NCBJ), Poland

University of Sheffield, UK


The Centre for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research (CIEMAT), Spain


Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland