Book Writing Honorarium

Book Writing Honorarium

Last Update on: 01 August 2023

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  1. Purpose
  2. Scope
  3. Definitions and Acronyms
  4. Objectives
  5. Eligibility Criteria
  6. Copyright
  7. Honorarium Benefits
  8. Review and Evaluation
  9. Acknowledgments
  10. Implementation, Compliance, and Reporting
  11. Compliance and Performance Indicators
  12. Document Amendment Information
  13. Appendixes

The purpose of these guidelines is to support the administration of the Book Writing, Editing and Translation honorarium.

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  1. These guidelines apply to the Book Writing, Editing and Translation authored by KFUPM faculty and researchers.
  2. These guidelines apply to all KFUPM faculty and researchers.

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1. Definitions
Nature of the book

General knowledge

The book does not fall into any of the other categories, but is directed to general audience to spread the knowledge in general topics.
ReferenceThe book can be used as a reference for one subject or more at university level.
Textbook (Literature)The book can be used in teaching in general studies such as humanities, social sciences, or literature at university level.
Textbook (Scientific)

The book can be used in teaching one scientific subject or more at university level.

2. Acronyms
DRDeanship of Research
KFUPMKing Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
URCUniversity Research Committee

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  1. The Book Writing, Editing and Translation Honorarium Guidelines encourages faculty members and researchers to disseminate high-quality scholarly works and activities by:
    • Authoring or editing a scholarly monograph, textbook or research-oriented book directed towards an audience of peers or students (graduate or undergraduate), or towards a more general audience;
    • Translating relevant textbooks or research-oriented books into Arabic, an activity that also serves the scientific and academic community.
  2. The honorarium supports:
    • the publication of completed manuscripts with prestigious internationally renowned publishers and the KFUPM press;
    • books authored by KFUPM faculty members and researchers which can be used as textbooks at KFUPM, especially in courses where suitable alternatives are not available. 

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    5.1 Applicant Eligibility

    All professorial rank faculty members and researchers are eligible to request for the Honorarium. 

    5.2 Publisher Eligibility 
    1. The honorarium will be for the publication with prestigious internationally renowned publishers and the KFUPM press.
    2. The honorarium may support publication with a publisher, specialized in dealing with specific subjects, and has received positive evaluation and recommended for approval.   

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      6. COPYRIGHT

      It is the responsibility of faculty members and researchers to avoid copyright infringement issues, specifically if any copyrighted material is used, and to seek the permission from copyright owners. 

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          The maximum possible honorarium amount is as follows:

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          8.1 Criteria
          1. The application will be reviewed by expert(s) determined by DR, and evaluated using the following criteria (see Appendix 1):
            • Nature of the book - 30%
            • Quality of the book - 30%
            • Effort in the book - 40%
          2. The nature of the book criteria carries a maximum of 30 points and its maximum percentage can be determined. Based on the experts' input, the score will be assigned accordingly.
            Table 2. The maximum percentage depend on the nature of the book
            Reference General knowledge
            Writing 30% 25% 20% 15%
            Editing   20% 15%
            Translation 30% 25% 20% 15%
          3. The quality and contents of the book criteria is as follows:
            • Academic quality of book compared to other similar books;
            • The clarity with which the author(s) express the ideas in the book;
            • The quality and scope of the overall presentation;
            • Added value;
            • Quality of writing, drafting and finishing;
            • Quality and nature of supporting material such as manuals, web, etc.
          4. The quality of the book criteria carries a maximum of 30 points, which includes the publisher rating and overall rating, and its maximum percentage can be determined. Based on the experts' input, the score will be assigned accordingly.
            Table 3. The maximum percentage depend on the quality of the book

            Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor
            Writing/Editing/Translation 30% 25% 20% 15% 10%
          5. The effort in the book criteria is as follows:
            • Title of the book reflects its contents;
            • Preface carries sufficient information;
            • Book provides sufficient topical coverage;
            • Chapter titles, introductions, and summaries are acceptable;
            • Approach is sufficiently original;
            • Flow of thoughts is clear;
            • Materials presented in the book are appropriate;
            • Overall effort put in by the author(s) in preparing the book.
          6. Maximum points (based on number of authors) for authoring, editing and translation can be determined. Based on the expert’s input, the score will be assigned accordingly.
          7. Table 4. The maximum percentage based on number of authors and pages
            Book type Number of authors Number of pages
            <150150 - 250>250
            Authoring and translation Single author 30% 35% 40%
            Two authors25%
            Above two authors20%
            Editing For all cases 10%
          8. The final score out of 100 is calculated by adding the scores according to Tables 2, 3 and 4 scores.
          8.2 Deliberation 
          1. The URC shall discuss the applications and final scores received and either:
            • recommend for immediate approval; or
            • not recommend for approval.
          2. Where recommended for approval, the recommendation will be submitted to the Scientific Council for its authorization. 
          8.3 Release of Honorarium

          The honorarium will only be released after the book has been published and a copy of the final manuscript is submitted to DR. 

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          1. Proper affiliation to KFUPM and acknowledgment of university support are mandatory.
          2. The final manuscript must carry clear affiliation to KFUPM either on the cover page or, if such is against the policy of the publisher, at an appropriate place easily visible to the reader with clear acknowledgement of KFUPM support (e.g. "The authors acknowledge the support received from King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) during the writing phase of the book").
          3. Multiple acknowledgements should be treated according to the Multiple Project Acknowledgement Guidelines

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          1. DR shall implement these guidelines.
          2. Noncompliance with any provision in these guidelines shall be reported to DR.  

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          In monitoring and reviewing the implementation of these guidelines, the following compliance and performance indicators shall be used:

          1. number of authored or edited books submitted for publication by recipients (evidenced by signed contracts with publishers);
          2. number of translated books submitted for publication by recipients (evidenced by signed contracts with publishers).

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          Version #Amendment DateAmendment Description 
          1Month, date, year 

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          13. APPENDIXES

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