Research Excellence Award

Research Excellence Award

Last Update on: 12 August 2024

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  1. Purpose
  2. Scope
  3. Definitions and Acronyms
  4. Objectives
  5. Eligibility Criteria
  6. Selection Criteria for Award
  7. Applications and Nominations
  8. Selection
  9. Criteria for Numerical Ratings
  10. Award Benefits
  11. Implementation, Compliance, and Reporting
  12. Document Amendment Information
  13. Appendix

The purpose of these guidelines is to support the administration of the Research Excellence Award.  

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  1. These guidelines apply to Research Excellence Awards, which support the creation, advancement, and dissemination of knowledge by rewarding excellence in research achievements.
  2. These guidelines apply to all KFUPM assistant, associate and full professors and equivalent level researchers.

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1. Definitions

ISI Journal

Journals maintained by the Institute for Scientific Information. The Master Journal List ( is a comprehensive list of journals that includes core collection and additional web of science indexes lists, only four indexes of which are included in Web of Science (WoS), which are the Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Emerging Sources Citation Index.
ProjectA product of an approved research proposal that is scientifically reviewed by a competent body and has an allocated fund administered by DR. It generally seeks to systematically investigate a problem through scientific methodologies conforming to academic best practices to achieve the defined research objectives.
Q1, Q2The top 25%, and between top 25% to 50% respectively of journals in a particular category ranked by journal impact factor in Journal Citation Reports.
2. Acronyms
CHPECommittee on Convocation, Honors, and Public Events
DRDeanship of Research
KFUPMKing Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
SDGSustainable Development Goals
UNUnited Nations
VPRIVice President of Research and Innovation

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  1. The primary function of the University is the creation, advancement, and dissemination of knowledge. Thus, a successful university provides fertile ground where knowledge is advanced. Through imaginative and relevant research, faculty contributes to and provides leadership in the solution of many of the problems faced by society. It is a truism that the quality of teaching at the University, and the viability of its graduate programs are directly related to the quality of research and scholarship of its faculty.
  2. The objective of the award is to recognise excellence in research and foster an environment in which significant and meaningful research can flourish. 

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  1. All KFUPM assistant, associate and full professors and equivalent researchers are eligible to apply for the award where, at the time of the call for application for the award:
    • they have at least four years of service with the University (including sabbatical leave and official assignments);
    • they score a minimum of 200 points according to the relative numerical rating (see Appendix 1). Citation is capped at 60 points out of 200.
  2. The requirement to score at least 200 points may be waived by the Research Committee where a candidate is of truly exceptional quality, and detailed justification supporting the request is provided.
  3. Candidates may receive the award every 4 years (applying after third year) during their entire service at the University. Those who have received the award and applying again should report new research works not mentioned in their previous application to avoid duplication

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    1. The selection criteria for the award, as detailed in Appendix 1, includes the following:
      1. Research Impact and Productivity:
        • publications in ISI/Scopus-indexed journals and conferences;
        • citations;
        • h5-index.
      2. Other Research Accomplishments:
        • research-oriented books or volumes;
        • other publications in ISI/Scopus-indexed journals and conferences;
        • patents.
      3. Research Leadership:
        • externally funded research projects;
        • internally funded research projects;
        • completed MS thesis and PhD dissertations;
        • overall leadership and recognition in research.
      4. International & Sustainability:
        • joint publications with international scholars;
        • publications contribution to UN SDG (Click Here)
    2. As detailed in the relative numerical rating, the main criteria for the award shall be research quality and impact in the last four calendar years, as evidenced by publications in reputed, refereed scientific and/or professional journals. These publications should appear while the candidate is affiliated with KFUPM. For the purposes of the award, research papers accepted for publication can be included for consideration.
    3. Research productivity and leadership shall also be taken into consideration, including funded research projects, development of intramural research programs, supervision of MS and PhD theses, undergraduate students research training, patents, design and planning of nationally and internationally recognized projects, and such.

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    1. KFUPM faculty members and researchers may apply for the award or be nominated by another KFUPM faculty member or researcher.
    2. Applicants (or nominees) should complete the application form.
    3. Applications should be sent to the Chair of the Research Committee via the Research Office. 

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    1. The Research Committee shall appoint an ad-hoc committee representing each department or area of specialization having candidates for the award. This ad-hoc committee shall comprise senior faculty members having outstanding research records.
    2. Each application should be reviewed by one member from the candidate’s department preferably from the same specialty. If the member is not in the area of specialization of the candidate, the member, as a part of the review process, should consult with an expert from the area of specialization of the candidate. An applicant for the award may not serve on this ad-hoc committee.  
    3. The main task of the ad-hoc committee is to evaluate the research output of each candidate as per the criteria. The committee shall critically review duplications of any research activity and eliminate credit claimed more than once for essentially the same activity. The committee may also review any previous applications of the candidate to remove any overlaps with previously accepted publications.
    4. The committee may request additional input from leading candidates. Candidates with the highest scores should be nominated for the award. The final recommendations should be made in a meeting of the Research Committee on the basis of recommendations of the ad hoc committee. If necessary, the chair of the ad hoc committee may be asked to defend the committee’s recommendations in a meeting of the Research Committee
    5. The Research Committee shall select nominees for granting two awards, as follows:
      • The Research Committee will select the top two candidates with the highest scores - irrespective of their Departments.
    6. The Research Committee’s recommendation will be forwarded to the VPRI for approval. After the approval of the VPRI, DR will forward its recommendations to the Chair of the CHPE, no later than six weeks before Commencement Exercises.
    7. The Chair of the CHPE will inform the candidates selected for the award, under intimation to the Dean/Chair concerned.

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    1. The most important objective of the award is to encourage excellence and productivity in research. These objectives are best demonstrated through original and significant research in the form of publications, books, patents, externally and internally funded research projects and related academic outputs.
    2. Research activities such as thesis supervision, completed research projects, conference presentations delivered, lectures and seminars, which are likely to appear in the form of publications, will be capped relative to the research productivity of the candidate.
    3. The numerical ratings for this award keep the relative importance of various achievement criteria in view. 

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    1. The Research Committee is responsible for monitoring the implementation of these guidelines, using the following performance indicators:
      • the number of Research Excellence Awards allocated annually;
      • the number of issues reported in relation to the Research Excellence Awards scheme.
    2. Deans and Chairs are responsible for ensuring compliance with these guidelines.
    3. Non-compliance with these guidelines shall be immediately reported to DR.

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    Version #Amendment DateAmendment Description 
    1Month, date, year 

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    13. APPENDIX
    Appendix 1 – Relative Numerical Rating


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