
President Highly Cited Researcher Award

It aims to recognize KFUPM faculty members who have demonstrated significant and broad influence reflected in their publication of multiple highly cited papers over their service at University.

Distinguished Professor Award

It is the highest honor that KFUPM can bestow on a full professorial rank faculty member who has demonstrated outstanding achievements in research, teaching and community service.

Applied Research Award

It aims to recognize excellence in applied research and foster a well-resourced research environment.

Research Excellence Award

It aims to recognise excellence in research and foster an environment in which significant and meaningful research can flourish.

Early Career Research Award

It aims to reward research achievements and foster an environment in which significant and meaningful research can blossom, by recognising early career researchers.

High Impact Paper Award

It aims to recognize KFUPM faculty members and researchers who have generated a high-impact paper published in a top-quality journal.

Highly Cited Paper Award

It aims to recognize KFUPM faculty members and researchers who have generated publications that have received a high level of recognition by other researchers.

Postdoctoral Excellence Award

The objective of the award is to recognise excellence in research and foster an environment in which significant and meaningful research can blossom.