International Visiting Scholars Program (in-bound)

International Visiting Scholars Program (in-bound)

Last Update on: 17 April 2024

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  1. Purpose
  2. Scope
  3. Definitions and Acronyms
  4. Objectives
  5. Annual Allocation
  6. Eligibility Criteria
  7. Benefits
  8. Application Procedure
  9. Review and Evaluation
  10. Visit Report
  11. Acknowledgments
  12. Implementation, Compliance, and Reporting
  13. Compliance and Performance Indicators
  14. Document Amendment Information

The purpose of these guidelines is to support the administration of the International Visiting Program (in-bound) for scholars.  

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  1. These guidelines apply to the support of Inbound International Visiting Program giving opportunity of inviting highly distinguished faculty, researchers and/or scholars to visit KFUPM for exchange of experiences, possible recruitment, contributing to on-going project, or expanding collaboration.
  2. These guidelines apply to all KFUPM faculty, researchers, and external collaborators.

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    1. Definitions


    Internally-funded grant
    In-boundA visit undertaken by an external collaborator to KFUPM during any period of the year. This visit can happen under Interdisciplinary Research Center or by the academic department and charged to DR.

    International Visiting Program

    ProjectA product of an approved research proposal that is scientifically reviewed by a competent body and has an allocated fund administered by DR. It generally seeks to systematically investigate a problem through scientific methodologies conforming to academic best practices to achieve the defined research objectives.
    Proposal A detailed and structured request for funding prepared in accordance with the sponsor’s instructions and requirements.
    Research Program OutcomesProgram outcomes are only those which are direct outcomes of the program that reflect clear acknowledgement. Only those publications that are real outcomes of the program with proper acknowledgement should be included as part of report.
    2. Acronyms
    IRCInterdisciplinary Research Center
    DRDeanship of Research
    KFUPMKing Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
    PIPrincipal Investigator 
    QSUniversity rankings by QS ranking

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    1. The Inbound International Visiting Program supports the interaction of KFUPM’s professorial rank faculty members and researchers with scholars and researchers in other reputable Universities, national labs, research institutes, or in industry. 
    2. The program aims to support academic colleges, departments and researcher centers to invite highly distinguished faculty, researchers and/or scholars to visit KFUPM for exchange of experiences, possible recruitment, contributing to on-going project, or expanding on collaboration.

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    The University will allocate each year slots for research centers and academic departments. Visiting scholars’ program will be competitive at the university level.

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    6.1 Applicant Eligibility

    Research affiliates from the research centers or professorial faculty members in academic department are eligible to apply for an Inbound International Visiting Scholars to invite an external collaborator to KFUPM, under the following conditions:

    • The unit host must be an academic department or research center
    • The external collaborator visiting should not be a graduate from KFUPM
    • Visitor should not be the advisor or mentor of the KFUPM (Host) faculty
    • There should be a well-established prior collaboration with host in case of active collaboration, as evident from joint publication in top tier journals
    • Charges for invited visitors who are involved in an ongoing project (externally or internally funded) should be directed to the project's and not on this grant.
    • The external visitor has not utilized the program before in the same fiscal year.
    6.2 Eligible Visits
    1. The visit duration should not be less than five (5) days and not more than six (6) months.
    2. The visit should not overlap with either any other assignments or with conference attendance in the region or any on-going funded research work.

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      7. BENEFITS

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      1. Deanship of Research (DR) will announce the dates for receiving applications for the KFUPM International Inbound Visiting Program. In addition, reminders will be sent to all faculty members and researchers well before the deadline to help them submit research application to the Deanship in a timely fashion.
      2. The KFUPM host unit will submits the application in the format prescribed available on the DR website.
      3. The application needs to be submitted online using the link (Click Here). 
      4. Application form should contain details of the visiting scholar, name of host faculty/researcher, plan of the tasks/activities to be performed during the visit to the University.

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      1. After being evaluated by the Center Directors/Department Chair, the DR will screen the application to ascertain that the above criteria and guidelines have been taken into consideration.
      2. Each application will be assessed after being evaluated by selected experts in the area of the proposed research (as needed).
      3. Criteria used in evaluating application include: clarity & achievability of proposed objectives, methodology, significance of visit’s expected outcomes, etc.
      4. Since the number of positions available for the inbound international visitors are limited, the applicants are ranked and selected on the basis of first come, first served. Preference is given to applicants with strong application and those who have not availed this opportunity in the past.
      5. The application could be discussed in the Research Committee and is either
        • Recommended for immediate approval, or
        • Not recommend for approval.

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      10. VISIT REPORT
      1. The program will be administered by DR to assure outcomes such as:
        • publications in reputed journals with the host professor;
        • evidence of academic and/or research collaboration with the host institution/professor;
        • a joint research project with the host professor;
        • recruitment of reputable faculty/researchers to KFUPM
      2. Upon completion of the visit, the host unit should submit a brief report to DR.
      3. Such outcomes should result from this specific program and should not have been obtained prior to visit.
      4. A sample of the report, requirements and guidelines, are available on the DR website or applicant could use the template provided by the Department Chairman/Center Director.

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      1. Proper acknowledgment of KFUPM support in all publications/presentations and other outcomes resulting from the program is mandatory.
      2. publications or other outcomes with no acknowledgement would not be considered as program outcome(s).
      3. multiple acknowledgements will be treated as per announced policy (Examples of Typical cases and acknowledgements are available (Here).

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      1. DR shall implement these guidelines.
      2. DR shall monitor the International Visiting Program.
      3. Non-compliance with any provision in these guidelines shall be reported to DR.

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      In monitoring and reviewing the implementation of these guidelines, the following compliance and performance indicators shall be used:

      1. Number of inbound international visits completed each year;
      2. Submission of visit reports within one months of the visit end date;
      3. New externally funded projects resulted from the visit;
      4. Number of collaborative journal articles (ISI/Scopus indexed) by recipients and host;
      5. Number of collaborative conference papers (ISI/Scopus indexed) by recipients and host;
      6. Number of technology transfer to KFUPM.

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      Version #Amendment dateAmendment description
      1Month, date, year 

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