Project Self-Service Module in ERP
As part of our efforts to enhance the research activity support, the office of Vice President for Research and Innovation (VPRI), Deanship of Research Oversight and Coordination (DROC) , Research Support Department (RSD) in coordination with ICTC, is pleased to inform you the implementation of new module in E-Business. The new feature (responsibility) will be one-stop for all the post-award project related activities for the project managers, Center Directors, responsible office/unit and the university administration.
A responsibility titled “KFUPM Project Self-Service” > “Project Dashboard” is developed for the project managers which can be used to execute all kind of transactions against the project and track their live status. a separate responsibility “KFUPM Project Self-Service” > “Project” can be used to know the involvement in active projects. Additionally, “KFUPM Project Self-Service” > “Editing/Publication” can be used to submit publication support request by faculty member who do not have any funded project (either client/University Funded).
The new feature is time saving and paper less with all approvals being issued electronically. As all kind of requests post-award have been captured, Project Manager’s no longer need to visit Abhathi to submit a request (except in case of Final Report, as it needs to be evaluated).
For any technical problems, please feel free to contact:
- (internal projects)
- (client projects)
- (IT technical)