Submission Requirements

Submission Requirements

  1. Provide a non-technical summary of your manuscript, spanning 150-200 words. This summary should differ from the abstract and emphasize the key findings of your research in an accessible manner suitable for readers without specialized expertise. 
  2. Focus on the main conclusions of your study, avoiding detailed descriptions of methods or specific manuscript content typically found in the abstract.   
  3. An author letter is required to confirm the submission of the article for potential publication, along with a statement affirming that the paper is original and not concurrently under review elsewhere.
  4. Submission of research paper with abstract and keywords.
  5. Recommendation letter from a college or university faculty member (advisor) familiar with the student(s)’ work, endorsing it for publication in KFUPM-URJ.
  6. Short biography of the author(s), including university and department affiliation and address, along with the anticipated month/date of graduation or the actual graduation date.
  7. Submissions in languages other than English will not be accepted for consideration.