Independent Research

This is a two-semester two-credit course that is graded and is considered part of the degree plan. This is a much deeper course, in which the student will devise an idea by himself/herself, seek a mentor, and then utilize the duration of the course to develop this idea into a successful research endeavor. It is offered to Sophomores and above students, and the grading is related to accepted paper in the “Journal of Undergraduate Research”. This is a completely refereed journal that is led by a faculty member and whose editors are researchers, postdocs, and graduate students. The grade for this course will correspond to whether the paper developed during the course is accepted by this journal and the rating assigned to this paper by the journal. The course itself will be conducted by faculty members, researchers, postdocs, and adjunct faculty.

✓ Student-Centric Approach

Empowers students to propose and pursue their own research questions, fostering ownership and intellectual curiosity.

✓ Flexible Mentorship

Facilitates connections with renowned experts, including faculty, researchers, postdocs, and even industry professionals, based on student interests.

✓ Skill Development

Provides rigorous experience covering the entire research cycle, from crafting proposals and designing experiments to analyzing data, drawing conclusions, and communicating effectively.

✓ Real-World Experience

Leverages a peer-review evaluation process, mimicking professional research practices and preparing students for future endeavors.

✓ Publication Opportunity

Top-performing students have the chance to publish their findings in KFUPM Journal of Undergraduate Research (to be established), gaining valuable recognition and experience.

✓ Enhanced Critical Thinking & Problem-Solving Skills

Equips students to tackle complex challenges within their fields.

✓ Increased Research Proficiency

Provides a strong foundation in research methodology and best practices.

✓ Boosted Confidence & Independence

Empowers students to become self-directed learners and researchers.

 Eligibility Criteria:

Sophomore and above students

 Course and Assessment:

Two (2) credits course, Letter Grade Appears in Academic Transcript, Cannot be repeated

 Project and Outcomes:

Project topic is by student

Outcome is journal paper


Faculty, Researchers, Postdocs, Adjunct Faculty (with Chairman Approval)


Student can register in the course directly (no prerequisites)

 Relation with other options:

Can be combined with Introduction to Research option.