Research Programs

Introduction to Research

The course can serve as a prerequisite for future research courses and help identify the students with research passion.

Independent Research

This innovative program aims to cultivate a generation of confident and skilled independent researchers from engineering, science, and business disciplines.

Vertically Integrated Research

This unique program is designed to empower students across various disciplines to engage in collaborative research projects

Research Concentration

This program offers KFUPM students with in-depth exposure to research in prominent domains, targeting those who have a passion to pursue their graduate studies.

Guided Research

This Undergraduate Student Research Grant aims to promote undergraduate research and scholarly achievement at KFUPM.

International Summer Research

This innovative program aims to expose KFUPM students to the culture of research and to provide more opportunities outside the University.

Bachelor of X

This program allows the students is to structure the program as appropriate from courses within or outside KFUPM, and to spend one to two semesters in an international university

Inbound Summer Research Program

This track is open to non-KFUPM students, whether at the university or high school levels, during the summer