Undergraduate Research Options at KFUPM - FAQs

Undergraduate Research Options at KFUPM - FAQs

September 2024 (Fall 2024)

The program is open to all undergraduate students. 

No, you can take more than one track and for more information/eligibility check with the undergraduate research office. 

You can visit: https://pure.kfupm.edu.sa/ and search for your mentor using a keyword, name or department/center.

Yes, you can visit the following link for application https://forms.office.com/r/abwUMpjLLX

No as long as you are progressing well and organizing your degree plan 

Yes, all students are required to select at least one research track to graduate. However, you are welcome to discuss the possibility of pursuing multiple tracks with your academic advisor to best suit your academic goals and interests. 

Consider the following factors when selecting a track:

  • Your interests: Are you drawn to a specific research area or discipline?
  • Your learning style: Do you prefer independent work or a collaborative environment?
  • Your career aspirations: Do you envision pursuing research in your future career?

While it's encouraged to choose a track that aligns with your interests, discussions with your advisor can be arranged to explore switching tracks if needed.

  • Develop valuable research skills: Regardless of the track you choose, you'll gain essential research skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, data analysis, and scientific communication.
  • Boost your resumeResearch experience sets you apart from other graduates and demonstrates your initiative, intellectual curiosity, and ability to work independently or collaboratively.
  • Gain a competitive edgeUndergraduate research experience can be highly beneficial for students pursuing graduate studies or careers in research-oriented fields.
  • Make connections with facultyResearch tracks often involve working closely with professors, giving you valuable mentorship opportunities and potentially leading to future research collaborations.
  • Discover your research interestsResearch tracks allow you to explore specific research areas and potentially discover your academic passions

The time commitment varies depending on the track:

  • Introductory to Research: This course is typically semester-long and requires a moderate time commitment.
  • Independent Research: This track is more intensive and may require a year-long commitment, depending on the research project's scope.
  • Vertically Integrated Research (VIR):  The time commitment for VIR can vary depending on the project's complexity but typically involves regular meetings and collaboration throughout the semester.
  • Research Concentration:  This extensive program requires a significant time commitment over multiple semesters, including coursework and thesis research.

Yes!  Most tracks provide opportunities to present your research findings at conferences, symposiums, or research showcases. This allows you to gain valuable experience in scientific communication and share your work with a wider audience. 

Don't hesitate to reach out to the undergraduate research office, your academic advisor for personalized guidance on choosing the right research track and navigating the program. Additionally, the program coordinator or department chair responsible for research can answer specific questions about each track and its requirements. 

Yes, you can. Please check for eligibility and needed approvals with your academic advisor and the undergraduate research office.