Research Concentration (CX)

In this particular concentration, the focus is on research. The student will take a total of four courses in the Junior and Senior years, for a total of 12 credit hours over the course of two or more semesters. These hours are counted towards the degree plan. Two of the courses will constitute the undergraduate thesis, whilst another course will be on innovation and entrepreneurship, and the fourth can be an elective undergraduate or graduate course in the area of focus of the student. In this concentration, the student is expected to devise a problem and spend the duration of the program in developing research in this area, and to bring it to a fruitful conclusion. Part of the assessment of the undergraduate thesis is that it is accepted for publication in an actual journal outside of KFUPM or in KFUPM’s Journal of Undergraduate Research.

✓ Self-reliance

Students has to propose their own research ideas, which have to be novel and original, to be investigated thoroughly during their CX and thesis journey

✓ Advising and Mentorship

Potential advisors will engage with the students in refining their ideas, assisting them in drafting and shaping their research questions during the CX, interacting with experts from industry serving in the thesis committee

✓ Skills Development

Gives our students more depth into the subject with a graduate-level course and writing a substantive piece of research-oriented creative work of undergraduate thesis demonstrating mastery in subject, enrich our students with persuasive skills to market their research ideas and findings

✓ Defense and Publication

Students will learn to develop their professional communication skills to defend their thesis in front of an independent scientific committee, deliver speech in a research symposium, prepare and submit their findings in reputable peer-reviewed journals

✓ High Aspirations

Empowering our undergraduate students to be self-motived towards tackling real-world challenges and have exploration mindset

✓ Enhanced Research Skills

Students will be immersed in their research topic of interest, investigate it in-depth with a scientific mentorship of an experienced faculty, and subject matter experts from industry

✓ Communications & Confidence

Enabling our undergraduate students with an opportunity to deliver and defend their research findings in front of thesis committee, or other prestigious competitions, or in research symposia

 Eligibility Criteria:

Junior level and above students

 Course and Assessment:

12 credit course, Letter Grade, Appears in Academic Transcript, Cannot be repeated

 Project and Outcomes:

Project is a Thesis

Outcome is journal paper + thesis




Student can register in the course directly (advisor approval)

 Relation with other options:

Can be combined with Introduction to Research option.