Vertically Integrated Research

This is a track that exists in other international universities, in which a student enrolls in an existing project under the supervision of a faculty member and as part of a team comprising undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdocs. During this course, the student tackles a certain piece of a much larger project and attempts to help bring that portion to a fruition. The target students are Sophomores and above. The course can be repeated for a total of four credits; however, these are not counted towards the degree plan. The assessment is based on the individual and team assessment by the faculty member, and the course is taught by faculty and researchers

✓ Teamwork Emphasis

Encourages collaborative research projects by fostering teamwork and interdisciplinary collaboration among students. This experience provides valuable teamwork skills including communication, collaboration, and problem-solving which are essential for success in professional environments.

✓ Long-Term Impact

Allows students a longer timeframe to explore their research deeply which offers more comprehensive understanding of their chosen topics compared to typical semester-long courses.

✓ Vertically-Integrated Learning

Integrates research activities across multiple academic levels which allows collaboration between undergraduate/graduate students, post-doctoral, and faculty members. This feature leads to a rich learning environment where students can benefit from the expertise of the team members.

✓ Strategic Research Management

Guides students in developing a clear research vision, strategy, and action plan to structure and execute their research projects.

✓ Conference Engagement

Offers opportunities for students to present their research findings at academic conferences relevant to their field of research which is an opportunity for students to broaden their understanding of the research field and network with professionals. This exposure will enhance their academic and professional development and prepare them for success in their chosen fields.

✓ Enhanced Critical Thinking & Problem-Solving Skills

Through interdisciplinary collaboration, students develop necessary skills to address complex challenges.

✓ Increased Research Proficiency

With a longer timeframe dedicated to research exploration, students gain a foundation in research methodology and best practices.

✓ Enhanced Leadership Skills

Cultivate students leadership skills through research management to develop and execute research visions, missions, and action plans.


Sophomore and above students

 Course and Assessment:

Two (2) or Three (3) or Four (4) credits, Letter Grade, Appears in Academic Transcript , Can be repeated

 Project and Outcomes:

Multidisciplinary Project under IRC

Outcome is journal paper


Faculty and Researchers.


Student can register in the course directly (advisor approval)

 Relation with other options:

Can be combined with Introduction to Research option.