General Guidelines

General Guidelines


Any undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in a university, irrespective of their academic discipline, may submit a manuscript. The research may have been undertaken within or outside of classroom settings. Students must provide the name of a faculty advisor or principal investigator at the time of submission.


Scope: Manuscripts must be based on research conducted either by an active undergraduate or graduate student.


Articles should be written in a manner that is comprehensible to a diverse audience, including students and faculty members from various disciplines, as well as prospective students, parents, and alumni who have access to the journal.


Copyright remains with the authors of the articles. Authors are requested to grant KFUPM-URJ the non-exclusive global right to publish the article in both print and electronic formats. Reproduction, posting, transmission, or any other form of distribution or use of the article or its materials in any medium is allowed under personal use exemptions or with written authorization from the author, provided that proper credit is given to KFUPM-URJ as the original place of publication.


Authors are required to uphold ethical standards regarding source usage, in-text citation, and documentation when submitting their work for publication. The following actions could be classified as plagiarism:

  1. Presenting another individual's work as one's own.
  2. Using words or ideas from someone else without proper acknowledgment.
  3. Failing to enclose a quotation within quotation marks.
  4. Providing inaccurate details about the origin of a quotation.
  5. Replicating the sentence structure of a source while altering the wording without attribution.
  6. Utilizing a significant portion of content from a source, irrespective of acknowledgment, to the extent that it dominates the work.

Authors must also adhere to ethical guidelines concerning research involving human subjects. If the research entails interviewing, surveying, or observing human participants, obtaining approval from the KFUPM Institutional Review Board is mandatory.