Formatting Guidelines

Formatting Guidelines

Kindly adhere to the following formatting guidelines when submitting manuscripts to the KFUPM Undergraduate Research Journal:

  1. Manuscripts must be submitted in .docx format, using Times New Roman font, size 12, with 1-inch margins. Papers should be no longer than 20 pages. Ensure that all authors, including principal investigators or mentors, are listed on the manuscript.
  2. Figures, tables, and images should be included within the Word document and also submitted as separate documents alongside the manuscript. Aim to provide the highest possible resolution for images. Titles for figures/images should appear below them, while titles for tables should be positioned above. Avoid using acronyms or abbreviations in titles; instead, provide sufficient detail for indexing purposes while ensuring clarity for readers from diverse backgrounds.
  3. Page numbers should be positioned at the top right corner without including any identifying information within the page number.
  4. Include in-text citations and a reference section at the end.