
Japan Petroleum Institute (JPI) Research Exchange Program

Deanship of Research Oversight and Coordination would like to encourage Saudi faculty and researchers to apply for Japan Petroleum Institute (JPI) Research Exchange Program. JPI provides visiting researchers with opportunities for discussions with professors and leading researchers in Japanese Universities or Research Institutes.

All applicants will be screened by JPI for research achievements, research themes in Japan, and whether the researcher requests match the seeds and needs of Japanese Institutes to establish a shortlist to select the most highly rated researchers within the budget. For this reason, the program is competitive in the selection/shortlisting process.

For the details on the research exchange program, and expenses covered by JPI, please see the link for guidelines, and to submit the online JPI application form click here before Sunday, May 14, 2023, 4:00 PM. You may email the  Deanship of Research Oversight and Coordination ( for a recommendation and endorsement letter.