IRC IMR 4th Annual Workshop
The IMR has successfully conducted the Fourth Annual Research Workshop at DTV from 19th to 20th A...
Visit by Dr. Adeel Akhtar from NJIT, USA
It was a privilege for IRC-IMR to host Dr. Adeel Akhtar from the New Jersey Institute of Technolo...
Congratulations, Dr. Hisham Khogali for High Impact Paper Award - 2024
Dr. Hisham Khogali has received the High Impact Paper Award as a recognition for his published pa...
Workshop: Two days Welding Training
IRC-IMR organized a two days hands on training of welding techniques. Dr. Numan Abu-Dheir took on...
Visit from Dr. Martin Saska
It was a privilege for IRC-IMR to host a visit from Dr. Martin Saska on 26th May, 2024.
Congratulations, Dr. Zeashan Khan on Elevation to IEEE Senior Member
The IRC IMR is pleased to congratulate Dr. Zeashan Khan for IEEE elevation to Senior Member grade...
Workshop: Artificial Intelligence Based Control
In collaboration with IRC-ISS and SDAIA-KFUPM centers, IRC-IMR has organized a workshop on Artifi...
Visit from KFUPM - Innovation & Technology Transfer (ITT)
IRC-IMR received a visit form KFUPM - Innovation & Technology Transfer (ITT) in Dhahran Techno-va...
Graduating Students who worked with IMR center
Congratulations to Engineers Ahmad Rabeah and Ahmed Atia Khalifa on their graduation in March 2024.
IMR center has visited LEAP 2024 in Riyadh
A team from the IMR center composed of Drs Ali Nasir, Imran, Ahmad Anton, and Samir Mekid visited...
Visit from Professor. Miguel J. Bagajewicz
It was a privilege for IRC-IMR to host a visit from Professor. Miguel J. Bagajewicz on 5th March,...
Saudi Founding Day 2024
The IMR center expresses its best wishes to all visitors of our website for the occasion of the S...
World Defense Show in Riyadh
The IRC-IMR Director Prof Samir Mekid and Dr. Sarvat Ahmad visited the World Defense Show in Riya...
Visit of ROSMEXICO Company from MEXICO to KFUPM
During the last week of January 2024, ROSMEXICO CEO Mr. Oscar Valdez Jr and Mrs. Alihandra Valdez...
End of Academic Year
The IRC-IMR center has closed its academic year with a gathering of all members and guests around...
International Advisory Board Visit
The International Advisory Board (IAB) has visited the IMR center to evaluate the research activi...
Robotics Cleaning Program
As part of the robotics cleaning program in the oil and gas industry in collaboration with Aramco...
Visit to S-Chem
The IMR team members visited the S-Chem company (a part of the SABIC group) in the industrial are...
Attending IMECE 2023 in New Orleans, LA, USA
Prof. Samir Mekid has attended, with several colleagues from the ME Department, ASME's IMECE 2023...
Visit by Namthaja and CARCOL-AM
IMR center has received a visit of Namthaja-3D Printing Manufacturing Solutions company with Engr...
Visiting IMMENSA company in Dammam
Visiting IMMENSA company in 2nd Industrial City 2 at Dammam
Attending COM 2023 in Toronto (Canada)
Dr. Syed Suhail Akhtar has participated in the 62nd Annual Conference of Metallurgists (COM 2023)...
Visit by Mawhiba female students
IRC IMR has received a visit of about 40 female students from Mawhiba...
Findings on Technology
Findings on technology reported by investigators at IRC IMR KFUPM: The blended future of automati...
1st Position in Mechanical System Design Course
A student named under UXPLORE program in the IMR center has won first prize with his design group...
Attending a workshop on Maintenance
Dr S.Mekid has attended a workshop on Maintenance organized by Aramco in Shedgum Oil plant.
Saudi Founding Day
Saudi Arabia has marked it second Founding Day celebrations in commemoration of the country's fou...
Visit by Inspection Team from Aramco
Team from the inspection department in Aramco has visited IRC-IMR for the joint venture between K...
Meeting with Samsung Engineering
Introductory meeting between IRC-IMR and Samsung Engineering Saudi Arabia to explore avenues of m...
Attending ASME Conference in OHIA (USA)
Team members will be attending ASME Conference in OHIA (USA) 2022
Director of IMR has visited ARAMCO-OGNI in KAUST with KFUPM team to discuss possible collaboration.
Joint Ventures
IMR center has signed an agreement with AFI Robotics early this year 2022 to revise and upgrade a...
Visiting NCMS company in Riyad
IMR Center has visited NCMS company in Riyad and also visited the manufacturing plant in Al-Kharj.
Visiting Aramco Hawiya-2 in Al-Ahsa
IMR team including Drs Mekid, Al-Zayedi and Al-Ofi has visited Aramco Hawiya-2 in Al-Ahsa to inve...
Meeting with SDAIA
The aim is to define AI support to existing intelligent manufacturing on-going projects.
Visiting GSP company in Dammam
Visiting GSP company in Industrial Areas 2 in Dammam to survey the manufacturing capability.