About 3 patents found
Wireless communication systems for underground pipe inspection
Invented by: Dalei Wu, Kamal Youcef-Toumi, Samir Mekid, Rached Ben-Mansour
- Issue date: 01/08/2017
- Patent Granted Number: US-9721448-B2
- Country of filling: US
Pipeline leak detector
Invented by: Samir Mekid, Rached Ben-Mansour
- Issue date: 14/06/2016
- Patent Granted Number: US-9366596-B2
- Country of filling: US
Kinematic platform
Invented by: Samir Mekid, Azfar Khalid
- Issue date: 17/02/2015
- Patent Granted Number: US-8956068-B2
- Country of filling: US