Nanoindenter is used to determine hardness of materials at loads as small as 0.5 mN. It can be used to study indentation elastic modulus, creep and fracture toughness. Penetration depths of a few nanometers can be achieved. Tested materials include bulk alloys, polymers, thin films, coatings, cement, etc. Microscratch tester is used to examine the adhesion and scratch resistance of coatings in addition to measuring conventional hardness of materials.
- Normal force, penetration depth, integrated optical/live imaging, friction force and acoustic emission, panoramic view capability
- Berkovich indenter, Progressive/incremental/linear loading
- Wide ranging applications: semi-conductors, solar cells, decorative and wear resistant coatings, data storage devices, lenses, biological tissues, cutting tools, paints, polymers, concrete, brake pads, windows, tablets, touch screens, etc.
- Model: CSM Instruments, Switzerland.
- 0.1-500 mN applied force for nanoindentation.
- 30 mN - 30 N force for microscratch testing
- Fully automated PC control, Dual screen display
- Real-time display of force-displacement curves. Variety of fully automatic loading options such as single, matrix, linear, progressive, etc.
- Automatic report generation
Location Scientist In-charge
Core Research Facilities Name: Dr. Muhammad Younas
Phone: 860-4956 Phone: 860-xxx
Building 15 Room#2207 E-mail: