Research Facilities

Solar Thermal Laboratory
The Solar Thermal Laboratory carries out both fundamental and applied research on technologies for converting solar energy into useful heat.

Solar Cell Fabrication Laboratory
It has two separate Lad setup, (i) wet lab, where all martial synthesis works are carried out; (ii) dry lab, mostly equipped with material and cell characterization systems.

Photovoltaic Research Laboratory
The Photovoltaic Research Laboratory at IRC-REPS nurtures the science and engineering of solar energy to produce low-cost and efficient solar cells with better thermal stability.

Outdoor Renewable Testing Facility
The ORTF is an outdoor testing facility for renewable powered systems. The ORTF has a PV dust testing system, Renewable powered RO system, testing of different PV module performance, performance testing of solar PV Air-conditioning system.

Energy Efficiency and Management Laboratory (EEML)
The EEML has established a state-of-the-art laboratory for theoretical and practical training of students and professionals, meeting space, administrative support, and energy efficiency and management research.