IRC-FDE Visit to Kuwait University
In the past week, KFUPM's Interdisciplinary Center for Finance and Digital Economy (IRC-FDE), represented by Dr.Mousa Albashrawi and Dr. Mazen Shawosh visited the Kuwait University and Dasman Diabetes Institute (a main pillar of Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Science).
The visit to Kuwait University has expanded the center's reach to meet with the head of the behavioral research lab (Dr.Abdullah Sultan), the Dean of the College of Business, and the head of the excellence center (Dr. Adel A Al-Wugayan), and the VP of research (Dr. Othman Al-Khidr) to discuss the common research grounds and develop lines of collaboration.
While the visit to the Dasman Diabetes Institute has showcased the opportunities for research collaborations in the area of using AI in health and wellness as an effective channel for intervention and prevention of healthcare problems.
Special thanks and gratitude to Dr. Mohammad AlMarzouq for his generous hospitality and to the faculty of Kuwait University (Dr. Abdullah Alhauli, Dr. Salman Aljazzaf, Dr. Dari Alhuwail, Dr. Abrar Al-HasanAhmad Ashkanani, Dr. Yousef Abdulsalam, Dr. Omar Khalil, Dr. Kamel Rouibah, and Dr. Jafar M. Ali) for their warm welcome during this scientific visit.