Environmental & Analytical Chemistry

Development and Assessment of Industrial Waste ...
The main goal of this research section is to assess and develop the industrial waste treatment technologies and suggest appropriate measures to solve the current problems and improve the process in terms of efficiency and environmental aspects. The research group utilizes the services of a dedicated team of qualified researchers, technicians and employ cutting-edge analytical instruments to develop and asses the technology with the aim to meet the specific indust...

Monitoring of Environmental Pollutants in Water...
Assessment of environmental pollutants is the key component of any BEA and EIA studies which is carried out through analysis of different nutrients and contaminants. These components include trace metals, nitrate, nitrite, sulfide, cyanide, ammonia, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, petroleum hydrocarbons, BTEX, polycyclic biphenyls, chlorinated hydrocarbons, phenols, oil and grease but not limited to, in ground water, wastewater, seawater, soil, sediment and biot...

Water Treatment and Pollutants Removal
Water is the key element for all the living species including human beings and it is needed for various purposes in agriculture, domestic use and industrial operations. In view of these, its quality is of significance in all the aspects of human life.

Development of Analytical Methods for the Exist...
Analytical method development involves the procedures that are used to quantify target pollutants in different matrices. Major challenges exist when the concentration of target pollutants is low and the matrix is highly complex. In such cases, sample preparation is performed before analysis. Sample preparation is used to achieve one or more of the following objectives: