Project Review Meetings in July 2020
In CEW, Project Review Meetings (PRM) are conducted on a weekly basis to discuss the progress of all ongoing client funded projects. In these meetings, the project managers and coordinators present the progress of their respective projects, thereby allowing the management to gauge the current progress, performance levels and shortcomings if any. CEW is currently handling around 32 ongoing projects. Therefore, it is highly essential to conduct these meetings every week to ensure that all the issues and accomplishments related to the projects are being notified and discussed with the management concurrently. In the month of July 2020, four PRM were conducted. These meetings were conducted on every Sunday at 9:00 am through video conferencing. Every meeting commenced with the CEW Director's reminder about the importance of health and safety at work place and field trips, and the protocols to be followed by each employee for protection against COVID-19. The Director advised all the group leaders to maintain 70% attendance in each group and the remaining 30% were permitted to work from home.
In July's PRM, all aspects of the active projects were discussed including important field works conducted for the projects CEW 2428, CEW 2510, CEW 2555, CEW 2586 and CEW 2606. Logistic team and project managers notified the management about a new online system implemented by the Coast Guard, apart from the regular Coast Guard permit. All offshore field trips should now be registered on the new web portal where the details of field team should be filled one day prior to the planned field trip. The Director advised the logistic team to take necessary action in this regard to ensure no field trip is cancelled and all field work are conducted smoothly.
Mobilization of new projects such as CEW 2608, CEW 2609, CEW 2610, CEW 2618, CEW 2620, CEW 2621 and CEW 2625 were set as priorities. The extension of projects CEW 2526 and CEW 2570 were also discussed. Deadlines for preparation, finalization and submission of the draft reports (CEW2500 – KARAN ARABIYAH , CEW2551 and CEW2552) were also finalized in the meeting. Project managers and coordinators pointed out various issues faced during the execution of their projects. The Director and advisor of CEW recommended appropriate measures for all the issues to ensure the smooth flow of the projects.