
The Interdisciplinary Research Center for Bio Systems & Machines (IRC-BSM) at King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) is a newly established cutting-edge research facility dedicated to advancing knowledge and innovation in bioengineering and health-related fields. With a strong focus on creating a functioning ecosystem for innovative engineering solutions that enhance the quality of life, and addressing prevalent health challenges, IRC-BSM plays a pivotal role in driving scientific advancements and societal well-being by translating research discoveries into practical applications that positively impact individuals, communities, and the economy. IRC-BSM has three main focus research themes: bioinformatics, biodevices and biomaterials. Please check our website for more details about the current research activities in these domains. 

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Focus Areas


Biosensors, wearables, biomechanics, brain-machine interfaces.


Tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, drug delivery, 3D printing.


Biodata platform, biodata integration, personalized medicine.



Computing Capabilities

High-Performance Workstations

Advanced Medical Devices Lab

Dedicated to specialized research

Wet Lab

Cell/bacteria culture labs, Microbial Biotechnology Lab.

Dry Lab

Specialized in Biodevices, Biomechanics, Biosensors, and Biomaterials

Latest News


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