Dr. Mohammad Mohsin Khan joins IRC-CBM as a Post Doctoral Fellow
Dr. Khan has joined as Post-Doctoral Fellow in October 2024 at the IRC-CBM research centre at KFUPM. His research interests include the behavior of concrete. reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, fiber reinforced concrete subjected to high rate of loading i.e., impact and blast loading. In addition, Dr. Khan is capable to develop the drop weight impact setup, Split Hopkinson compression pressure bar setup (SHCPB), Split Hopkinson tension bar setup (SHTPB), single stage pneumatic gun setup and two stage gas gun setup. He has worked as a research assistant at IIT Indore during April 2024 to September 20224. He received his PhD. Degree form IIT Roorkee in April 2024. He offered his services as Lecture and Assistant Professor in NIT Hamirpur and TMU as a guest faculty. He has participated in several international conferences as a keynote speaker, presenter, and scientific committee member. He has also reviewed more than 10 research papers for top-tier international journals.