Sustainable Water Management – Current Trends
Presenter: Prof. Fayyaz Ali Memon [Professor, of Sustainable Water Systems, University of Exeter, UK]
Organized by: IRC for Construction and Building Materials & Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
10 Apr 2023 @ 01:00 PM
Bldg. 4 Room 125
- The seminar offered a comprehensive overview of contemporary developments in sustainable water management research and will introduce various projects undertaken by my research team.
- Key topics covered include the analysis of urban water systems, encompassing both drainage and water supply network modelling, particularly in the context of climate change.
- Additionally, discussions revolved around the intricate interrelations within the water-energy-food nexus and investigations into data-driven water consumption patterns.
- The seminar also spotlighted our NERC-funded project, which concentrates on the fate and management of emerging contaminants, emphasizing novel treatment methods and decision support tools for sustainable technology selection.