
Dr. Ayman Abdallah
Director, IRC-ASE; Area of Specialization: Flight Dynamics and Control, Aerodynamics and Astrodynamics
IRC-ASE's Expert Advisor

Dr. Charles Elachi
Former JPL/NASA; Advisor and subject matter expert; subject expert on satellite and space exploration
Researchers and Affiliated

Dr. Roman Shults
Research scientist; Geodesy, UAS, Remote Sensing, Geomatics, Underground Surveying, Hydrographic Surveying, Photogrammetry.

Dr. Ashraf Farahat
Affiliate Researcher; Martian atmosphere, Earth observation, space weather, CubeSat experiments, remote sensing, dust storms, solar cells.

Dr. Wael G. Abdelrahman
Affiliate Researcher; Satellite composite structures, micromechanical modeling, wave propagation in composites, stochastic analysis.

Dr. Naef A. A. Qasem
Affiliate Researcher; Thermal-Fluid Science, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Energy and Desalination

Dr.Salman Al-fifi
Affiliate Researcher; Aerodynamics, Aeroelasticity, AstroDynamics, Propulsion and Fluid Mechanics

Dr. Abrar Baluch
Affiliate Researcher; Spacecraft system engineering, satellite engineering, spacecraft materials, hypervelocity impact dynamics, computational impact dynamics.

Dr. Mohamed Ismail
Affiliate Researcher; Aerospace Mechatronics, UAVs Design and Control, Laser Doppler Vibrometry, Diagnosis and Prognosis of Aerospace Systems

Dr. Abdallah M. Al-Zahrani
Affiliate Researcher; Gravitational physics, Black hole physics,Computational physics, Astrophysics and cosmology.

Dr. Syed Saad Azhar Ali
Guest Affiliate; Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Signal and Image Processing

Dr. Ali Nasir
Guest Affiliate; Approximate Dynamic Programming, Fault Tolerant Control, Nonlinear Control & Estimation

Dr. Sultan Ghazzawi
Affiliate Researcher; Modeling and characterization of advanced aerospace structures and materials, including functionally graded materials and multifunctional smart, self-sensing composites

Dr. Tabassum Yasmeen
Postdoctoral; Materials characterization (titanium, aluminum), deformation modeling, mechanical behavior, materials processing, computational methods (FEM), optimization.

Dr. Irfan Alam
Affiliate Researcher; Future Aircraft Design MDO Electric Propulsion Solar Energy ,Aircraft Design MDOLighter-Than-Air Systems Data-Driven Design Electric Propulsion

Dr.Hassan Abid
Affiliate Researcher; Mechanical and Aerospace System Design, Applications related to ThermoFluid's, Heat Transfer, Numerical Modelling and Simulation

Dr. muhammad Bilal
Affiliate Researcher; Satellite Remote Sensing, Aerosol Remote Sensing, Air Pollution Effects on Human Health, Dust Storm Climatology, Remote Sensing of Land and Atmospheric Parameters

Dr. Md Ismail Hossain
Affiliate Researcher; Unmanned autonomous vehicles; Control; Rapid Control Prototyping and Automation; Electric aviation; Satellite energy management systems; Power electronics; Embedded systems; Renewable energy; intelligent control, Machine learning, Optimization technique, and Artificial Intelligence etc
Post Docs

Dr Ghulam Abro
Post Doctoral Fellow: Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles and Systems, Computer Vision and Control, Embedded System Design and Communication.

Dr. Md Masudur Rahman
Post Doctoral Fellow: Measurement and instrumentation of earth surface and atmospheric components.

Dr. Asia Kajo
Post Doctoral Fellow: Small Satellite Attitude control (ADCS), Orbital Mechanics, Space Environment, Attitude Disturbance Torques, Satellite Design, Electronic, Communication and Embedded Systems, Kalman Filtering, Nonlinear Estimation

Dr. Muhammad Usman
Post Doctoral Fellow: Remote sensing, GIS, vegetation dynamics, climate change, water resource management, crop water requirements, and machine learning/AI.

Dr. Mohamed Takeyledein
Post Doctoral Fellow: Wind turbines Aerodynamics, Propeller Aerodynamics, CFD simulations of blunt bodies.

Dr. Hatem Magdy
Post Doctoral Fellow: Computer Science. Database, Operating system, Programming, Networking, Expert Systems, Image Processing, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Networking, System Analysis and Design, Expert Systems

Dr. Fadi Alyoussef
Post Doctoral Fellow: Advanced, intelligent, and traditional control design methods, Fault-tolerant control, Industrial process control, Linear time-delay systems, Nonlinear systems, Heuristic optimization algorithms, Observers and estimation methods.

Dr. Bazilah Baharom
Post Doctoral Fellow : Electromagnetics, Antenna Arrays, Microwave and Millimeter Wave Communication, Metamaterial and Metasurfaces, Dielectric Lenses, Bio-Medical Antenna, Terahertz Antenna, Space Communication, 5G/6G, Beamforming/Beam Steering Antennas
Dr. Atif Mahmood Khaki
Post Doctoral Fellow: Satellite Attitude Determination, Satellite Control Design for commercial satellites (PAUSAT-1, Pakistan Air University Satellite-1) and Spacecraft GNC), Satellite Control Development

Dr. Izhar Ullah
Post Doctoral Fellow: Thermal Management, Gas Turbine Cooling, Fluid Mechanics,Thermal Modelling

Dr. Mohammed Basheer
Post Doctoral Fellow: Reinforcement Learning, Control Theory, UAVs
Lab Engineers and Technicians

Ms. Sarah F. Al-kharraa
Lab Technician; Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Eng. Ibrahim Al Jalal
Lab Engineer: Robotics, Computer Vision, AI in Engineering Applications, Hardware-Software Integration, Unmanned Systems

Ms.Madhawi alnuaimi
Academic assistant ; physics and renewable energy

Eng. Hind Mohammed
Lab Engineer: aerospace engineering and satellite system