Development and testing of polymer/composite materials 

Development and Testing of Polymer/Composite Materials

The polymer/composite’s development and testing have been established as an indispensable section of IRC-AM. Our researchers have developed various polymers and multi-functional composites as practicalities for a sustainable future. The mission of polymer composite development and testing is to provide industry and academia with a deep and comprehensive knowledge of polymers and their composites which is allied with a wide range of knowledge, learning experiences, and emerging applications. It covers the processing and synthesis of polymers/composites of advanced materials, their characterization, and their use as materials for anticorrosive and other applications.

In addition to the typical polymer chemistry devices, the center is equipped with various equipment including the following: 

  • Microwave Synthesis Workstation
  • Melting Point Apparatus
  • BUCHI rotavapor
  • Chromatography techniques
  • Muffle furnaces
  • Gamry potentiostats