Director's Message

Director's Message

Dear researchers,

As the Director of the Interdisciplinary Research Center for Intelligent Secure Systems at KFUPM, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our center. Our mission is to conduct cutting-edge research in the fields of artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and systems engineering to design, develop, and implement innovative systems that are secure and intelligent.

We believe that interdisciplinary collaboration is key to achieving our goals, and we are proud to have a team of experts from various fields, including computer science and engineering, electrical engineering, physics, industrial systems engineering, mathematics, and social studies working together to tackle the complex challenges facing our society today.

Our research focuses on a wide range of topics, including cybersecurity, resilience, cryptography, machine learning, computer vision, natural language processing, Arabic computing, and quantum computing. We also work closely with industry partners to ensure that our research is directly relevant to real-world problems and to facilitate the transfer of our findings into practical applications.

We invite you to join us in our efforts to make the world a safer and more secure place through the development of intelligent systems. Whether you are a researcher, a student, or an industry professional, we welcome your participation and look forward to collaborating with you.



Muhamad Felemban
Director, Interdisciplinary Research Center for Intelligent Secure Systems 


Dr. Muhamad Felemban

Director, IRC-ISS