VP for RI
The Research Excellence Office, operating under the purview of the Vice President of Research & Innovation (VPRI), plays a pivotal role in optimizing Research Excellence, Strategic Analysis, and Decision Support within the institution. Its primary mission is to serve as the nucleus for consolidating the strategic research plans of the Research & Innovation sector while meticulously overseeing their execution. This office is further aligned with the overarching objectives of the "Research Excellence AmPlification (REAP)"initiative, striving to attain these goals through its core functions.
The office is responsible for crafting comprehensive 5-year strategic plans that guide the research and innovation activities of the institution. These plans align with the overarching mission and objectives of the university.
It monitors and assesses the progress of research and innovation activities, evaluating their performance and impact relative to the established strategic goals. This involves measuring metrics such as publications, citations, patents, and research outcomes.
This function involves staying attuned to national and global research priorities and identifying areas of significance and relevance to the university's research agenda.
The office conducts thorough scans of the global research landscape, employing analytical tools to deduce emerging trends, opportunities, and challenges.
Through data-driven analysis, the office forecasts promising research trends, allowing the institution to proactively position itself in areas of future importance.
Insights derived from trends are shared with Research & Innovation (R&I) leadership and center heads, facilitating informed decision-making and strategic planning.
The office conducts descriptive and diagnostic analyses of research and innovation activities, providing a deep understanding of past and present performance.
To facilitate decision-making, the office employs evidence-based perceptive analytics, offering the VPRI valuable insights and recommendations.
By benchmarking the institution's research efforts against global standards and best practices, the office aids in setting targets and goals that align with international research excellence.